David McDougall sculpted the bust of Pakistani founder and first governor general, Mohammed Ali Jinnah, while completing his MFA at York. The sculpture echoes the classical tradition of erecting political leaders in marble or bronze. The bust sits upon a pedestal, another classical tradition, which commemorates Ali Jinnah’s actions and efforts that led to Pakistan’s independence.
David McDougall sculpted the bust of Pakistani founder and first governor general, Mohammed Ali Jinnah, while completing his MFA at York. The sculpture echoes the classical tradition of erecting political leaders in marble or bronze. The bust sits upon a pedestal, another classical tradition, which commemorates Ali Jinnah’s actions and efforts that led to Pakistan’s independence.
David McDougall sculpted the bust of Pakistani founder and first governor general, Mohammed Ali Jinnah, while completing his MFA at York. The sculpture echoes the classical tradition of erecting political leaders in marble or bronze. The bust sits upon a pedestal, another classical tradition, which commemorates Ali Jinnah’s actions and efforts that led to Pakistan’s independence.
David McDougall sculpted the bust of Pakistani founder and first governor general, Mohammed Ali Jinnah, while completing his MFA at York. The sculpture echoes the classical tradition of erecting political leaders in marble or bronze. The bust sits upon a pedestal, another classical tradition, which commemorates Ali Jinnah’s actions and efforts that led to Pakistan’s independence.

Mohammed Ali Jinnah

Object Type
36 x 24 x 12 in
Outdoor Sculpture Collection

David McDougall sculpted the bust of Pakistani founder and first governor general, Mohammed Ali Jinnah, while he was completing his MFA at York University. The sculpture echoes the classical tradition of erecting political leaders in marble or bronze. The bust sits upon a pedestal, another classical tradition, which commemorates Ali Jinnah’s actions and efforts that led to Pakistan’s independence.

The statue was comissioned by the Pakistani Students’ Association at York University and funded by a series of sponsors and the Consulate General of Pakistan, Ghalib Igbal. The sculpture marked the 60th anniversary of independence in Pakistan and the 50th anniversary of York University.